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Porcelain Poodle Figurines for the Poodle Collector

Why collect these thangs?

REASON #1: They are so cute!

REASON #2: You have a poodle and know how strange and lovable they are.
REASON #3: You don't have a poodle but DO have very good taste.
REASON #4: Poodle figurines are wonderful example of kitsch.
REASON #5: When you see these cute little figurines at the flea markets, they "talk" to you!
REASON #6: They fill a void in your life (hmmm!)
REASON #7: They come in soothing pastel colors like pink, blue, yellow, grey, and white.
REASON #8: Just by looking at them a smile crosses your face :)
Please send an e-mail to DAVE ROUTH if any other reasons come to your mind. I'll post your reasons here and give you credit if you wish!
View the Poodle Gallery!


A collector informed me that "A Price Guide to Poodle Collectibles of the 50's and 60's" by Elaine Butler is available. The book is available from L-W Book Sales (send me an e-mail for details) and is on order at AMAZON ONLINE BOOKSTORE. If anyone has this book, please let me know how it is.


Visit the family photo gallery (not recommended unless you have nothing to do!)

Follow the Poodle to these Links:

Orville Glockmyer's Banana--The Best of Vintage Camp and Kitsch
Brian's Home Page--information on model horse collecting and music
Shop Christy's--information about Lefton collectibles.
THROBBERS!!--dress up your web browser with these cool throbbers

© 1997

Dog with Ball image at top of page ©Kitty Roach

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